What is fitness?
Most people probably think fitness is the condition of being physically appealing and healthy. Perhaps they have images of fitness competitors and bikini models in their heads. But hold on. Is a bodybuilder or figure competitor who gets on the stage really fit and healthy? I know they are projecting health, but are they really healthy? Really?
The truth might be that that person is at their weakest state when they step on that stage because in order to project this idea of “fitness” they have to emaciate and dehydrate them selves and this causes a tremendous amount of weakness. The truth might be that one must actually sacrifice health to look this particular way. To me, that’s the antithesis of fitness.
I like to think of fitness as the ability to respond to a specific task. If your job is moving boxes around that are 50 pounds for eight hours, that’s going to require a specific type of fitness; If your job is to be an adventure tour guide, that’s something very different. both people are fit, neither can do what the other one does.
I don’t know where people get off extolling the virtues of the “sport of fitness”. They jump around on bosu balls and ladders with weird cables in a never ending series of different exercises that present variety, but no real improvement in any specific skill. They’re just getting good at exercising. They’re just selling Reebok. That’s stupid.
Realizing that most people exercise because they get told to exercise by doctors, I want to turn the fitness world on its ear and get people to realize that improving upon a skill (real fitness), means body composition changes must occur. If you want to reduce your 100 m sprint time, it’s in your best interest to not have 30 extra pounds of body fat. If you were to get good at sprinting, you wouldn’t have 30 extra pounds. It isn’t easy. You’re gonna have to solve problems along the way, but solving problems is what it’s all about.
Identify obstacle. Overcome obstacle.
I just want to thank you for reading this! I’d love to have you come in and will get you started on your personalized path to real fitness.