Two Great Protocols for the Prowler: Ultimate Conditioning and Body Composition.
This crazy contraption behind a bearded me is called a Prowler. It’s a type of sled that you can weigh down and push, pull or drag across the room. It’s ultimately for strength, however, as we know if you use your strength training properly it becomes the best fat loss tool there is.
Here are two great conditioning protocols that you can use. Remember to warm up properly using quarter, half, and three quarters total weights. For the first one you will require a heart rate monitor.
One β 10 Second Prowler Power Intervals:
With your heart rate monitor secured, map out a 20 m space. Warm up by pushing the prowler 20 m in progressively higher loads(25%; 50%; 75%; 100% of body weight) until you have the equivalent of your body weight on the prowler. If you are feeling adventurous, warm up to a double body weight prowler push.
Once warmed up, push the prowler, for 10 seconds only, trying to reach the 20 m point. This will send your heart rate remarkably high. Then, wait until your heart rate recovers to 130 beats per minute. Turn the Prowler around. Repeat going the other way, for 10 seconds only. Repeat this process 10, 15 or 20 times. This process should leave you a blithering mess on the floor. Remember to finish strong so if it takes you 10 seconds to push the prowel 10m, you should probably stop. You will need to recover between five and 10 days before trying this again.
Two β Timed 20 m Prowler Blasts:
Map out a 20 m space. Warm up by pushing the prowler 20 m in progressively higher loads(25%; 50%; 75% seven; 100% of body weight) until you have the equivalent of your bodyweight on the prowler. You won’t need a heart rate monitor for this one. Probably better if you don’t know what your heart rate is doing… You know… because it’s going to suck.
Set your stopwatch to chronometer and get it counting. Push the prowler 20 m along the track, then turn it around and push it back. Repeat this process 20 times. See how long it takes you to complete 20. You will need to rest appropriately between pushes. You’re not allowed to feel dizzy, nauseous, faint, nor foggy. No headaches and do not cause pain to your body either. Stop before any of this occurs. Again, you will need to rest between five and 10 days after this. But when you try it again, you should be able to do it faster.
I just want to thank you for reading this! If you do not have a Prowler, I’d love for you to come in and see what it’s all about.There are so many great conditioning and body composition protocols that we can work on when you come in. We’ll find the right one for you, and get you on your way to ultimate strength.
The Trainer