Impossible expectations
This email is a bit of a departure, but still says something very important about health. This is Wentworth Miller. I actually got a chance to punch him in the face once. Then he blasted me with a fire-ray gun. This was in a post apocalyptic future on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’. Despite the way our relationship on camera turned out I have to say: Nice guy. Personally, I think the Wentworth on the right of this picture (in the red shirt) is happier and healthier looking than his counterpart of emaciated structure on the left. Had I not read this heartbreaking post, I would just assume that he was on hiatus and enjoying himself. You see, in spite of colossal success, Wentworth suffers from depression. In this particular case his drug of choice was food. God bless him. I don’t really understand our societies’ desire to deify celebrity. We somehow make it seem as though the rules don’t apply to them. Like what we see on TV is the way that it is. But it’s not. There are many factors that affect what you were looking at: camera angles, make up, lighting, some actors actually stand on boxes to make themselves look taller.More than this misguided deification of celebrity, I don’t understand how, without reading Mr. Miller’s retort to the Internet trolls who popularized this picture, one could ever criticize the body on the right. It just looks normal to me. Possibly this is just a fan taking liberties with an Internet meme. Regardless of intention, it seems to have hurt the man – and therefore is wrong. The problem is not the body shape. The problem is a perception that it is somehow lesser to be out of “Camera”shape. We have this misguided understanding that skinny equals healthy. This concept is laughable to me. Athletes who take the stage in bikini, figure, and bodybuilding contests seem like the embodiment of health itself! But they are not. In actuality they do so at the weakest point in their lives. And in order to get there, frankly, they abuse their bodies health systems in quite radical ways. Indeed the man in both of these pictures suffers from an illness that needs to be addressed. But. Even if he wasn’t ill, who is anyone to criticize? I wouldn’t. Why don’t you come in for a free assessment? Will discuss parameters for Real, healthy change. The Trainer |