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You May Live Up To 14 Years Longer than Steven Tyler- Study!!

*Disclaimer: In no way shape or form does Steven Tyler appear in this study, nor do I have his permission to use this picture or anything.*




Okay, maybe outliving Steven Tyler is not exactly what researchers mean here…I just found this picture and thought it was funny… However, according to this, you can live 14 years longer than those with certain cardiac risk factors. Here’s how:


It’s my understanding that , until recently , there haven’t been any studies directly relating fitness in healthy populations to longevity. Well guess what? There still aren’t! However, researchers from Northwestern Medicine have concluded that people with “optimal heart health” can live up to 14 years longer than those with certain cardiac risk factors. This according to a study published in JAMA( Journal of American Medical Association).

And that’s not Helter Skelter, Angel.

We need to do everything we can to maintain optimal risk factors so that we reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular disease and increase the chances that we’ll live longer and healthier.”

This study concluded that one who is free of certain cardiovascular risk factors may live up to 14 years longer than another who has at least two risk factors for cardiac disease.

So what are these risk factors? R
emember there are over 167 different risk factors for cardiac disease. However the 4 looked at here are: blood pressure, total cholesterol, diabetes and smoking status.

Then they just looked at who had a heart attack, stroke or heart failure.

Major points brought out in the study were:

  • Individuals with optimal risk factor profiles lived up to 14 years longer free of total CVD than individuals with at least two risk factors.
  • Men in middle age had lifetime risks of approximately 60 percent for developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Women in middle age had lifetime risks of approximately 56 percent for developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Lifetime risks for cardiovascular disease were strongly associated with risk factor burden in middle age.


Take away from this study that there are real preventative measure that you can take that may drastically decrease your risk of heart disease. Controlling your blood pressure, total cholesterol, preventing diabetes and eliminating smoking are all things that are within your power to do.

For proven strategies on how to decrease your risk of heart disease further, why not contact your friendly neighbourhood trainer, Me!


LIKE—-> https://tinyurl.com/8a2n3f5

source: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-11/nu-hla110512.php


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author: ryanbooth